Monday, September 18, 2017

PGDCA Material

  • Problem Solving Through ‘C’
  • Data Structures
  • Data Base Management System
  • Operating System
  • Software Lab – I Programming using C
  • Software Lab – II Word, Excel, Access/SQL



Fundamentals of computers: Block diagram of a digital computer, classification, hardware, software, I/O devices, storage devices – hard disk, pen drive, optical devices.
Information representation - Number Systems, conversion from one number system to another number system, Integer Representation – sign magnitude, 1’s complement, 2’s complement, BCD codes. Floatingpoint Representation, Binary arithmetic – addition, subtraction multiplication,division.

Boolean Functions: Boolean algebra, Truth tables, Logic gates, Canonical representation of Boolean
functions, simplification of Boolean expressions – Karnaugh Maps, Quine McCluskey procedure.
Combinational Circuits: Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor, parallel binary adder, BCD adder, code converter, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer.

Sequential Circuits: Flip-flops – synchronous & asynchronous basic flip flops, D-type & T-type flip flops, JK
flip flop, master-slave flip flop, characteristics & excitation tables of flip-flops.
Registers – shift registers. Counters – synchronous & asynchronous binary counters, modulo-N counter.

Introduction to Computer Networks: Types of Computer Networks and their topologies. Transmission media - wired and wireless. Network hardware components - connectors, transceivers & media converters, repeaters,
network interface cards and PC cards, bridges, switches, routers, gateways.
Introduction to the Internet, concepts of Internet and Intranet; IP addresses, DNS; Internet Services; E-mail; File transfer and FTP; Remote login using TELNET; World Wide Web and HTTP; Web Browsers; Search Engines; Uniform Resource Locator(URL); Web Servers; Internet Connections: Dialup; Leased line; Modems;  DSL service; Internet Service Provider.



Programming Fundamentals: Introduction to Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter, Concept of problem solving, Problem definition, Program design, Debugging, Types of errors in programming, Documentation.
Flowcharting, decision tables, algorithms, Structured programming concepts, Programming methodologies -top-down and bottom-up programming.

Overview of C: History of C, Importance of C, Structure of a C Program.
Elements of C: C character set, identifiers and keywords, Data types, Constants and Variables.
Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment and conditional operators and their hierarchy & associativity.
Input/output: Unformatted & formatted I/O function in C.

Control statements: Sequencing, Selection: if and switch statement; Repetition: for, while, and do-while loop; break, continue, goto.
Functions: Definition, prototype, passing parameters, function calls, library functions, recursion.
Storage classes in C: auto, extern, register and static storage class, their scope, storage, & lifetime.
Arrays: Definition, types, initialization, processing an array, passing arrays to functions, dynamic arrays.

Strings: String handling, reading and writing strings, string functions, dynamic strings.
Pointers: Declaration, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, dynamic memory allocation, pointers and functions, pointers and strings.
Structure & Union: Definition, processing, Structure and pointers, passing structures to functions, Union.


Introduction to Data Structures: Elementary data organization, Data structure operations, Algorithm
complexity and time-space tradeoff, Classification of data structures.
String Processing: Storing strings, String operations, Pattern matching algorithms.
Arrays: Linear arrays, Operations on arrays, Multidimensional arrays, Storage of arrays, Matrices, Sparse Matrices.

Linked Lists: Representation of linked list in memory, Traversal, Searching, Insertion, Deletion, Sorted Linked List, Header List, Two – Way List;
Stacks, Queues, Linked and Array representation of Stacks, Queues, and Dequeues, Priority Queues,
Operations on stacks and queues.

Applications of stacks: Recursion, Polish Notation, Quicksort.
Trees: Binary Trees, Representation of binary trees in memory, Threaded Binary Trees, Balanced Tree,
Different tree traversal algorithms, Binary Search Tree: Searching, Insertion, and deletion in a Binary search tree, Heap Sort.

Representation of Graphs and Applications: Adjacency Matrix, Path Matrix, Warshall’s Algorithm, Linked Representation of a Graph, Traversing a Graph; Sorting and Searching: Radix Sort, Merge Sort, Linear Search, Binary Search, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort.


Unit- I
Data, Information and Knowledge – Limitations of Manual Data Processing – Advantages of databases- Basic DBMS Terminology – Role of DBA, Data Manager, File Manager and Disk Manager- Three Level
Architecture of DBMS- Physical and Logical Data Independence, Data Base languages and Interfaces, DBMS functions and component modules.

Unit- II
Entity Relationship Model- Concepts, Relationships, Constraints, Keys- Primary, Secondary, Composite & Foreign Key etc. E-R Diagrams, Mapping ER- diagrams to Relational Tables, Case studies: Inventory System, Payroll System, Reservation System, Online Book Store etc. Introduction to Data Models, Comparison between Hierarchical, Network and Relational models.

Unit- III
Relational Algebra- Query Language, Basic Set Operations, Special Relational Operations,
Introduction to SQL: DDL, DML, and DCL Commands, Views& Queries in SQL, Specifying Constraints & Indexes in SQL. Functional Dependencies, Normalization- Normal forms based on primary keys (1 NF,2 NF, 3 NF, & BCNF)

Unit- IV
MS Access: Parts of an Access Window, Tool Bars and Their Icons, Creating a New Database, Creating a Database through Table Wizard, Creating a New Table, Relationships, Creating Table through Design View, Relationship, Query, Forms, Reports, Import/export tables etc.


Introductory Concepts: Operating system functions and characteristics, historical evolution of operating systems, Real time systems, Distributed systems, O/S services, system calls, system programs.
CPU Scheduling: Process concept, Process scheduling, scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms.

Deadlocks: Deadlock characterization, Deadlock prevention and avoidance, Deadlock detection and recovery.
Storage Management: Storage allocation methods: Single contiguous allocation, Multiple contiguous
allocation, Paging; Segmentation, Virtual memory concepts, Demand Paging, Page replacement Algorithms,Thrashing.

File Systems: File concept, File access and allocation methods, Directory Systems: Structured Organizations.
Hardware Management: Disk scheduling policies.
Protection: Goals of protection, principles of protection, domain of protection, access matrix & its
implementation, revocation of access rights.

Windows: Features of Windows; Various versions of Windows & its use; My Computer & Recycle bin; Desktop, Icons and Windows Explorer; Dialog Boxes & Toolbars; Working with Files & Folders; simple operations like copy, delete, moving of files and folders from one drive to another, Accessories and Windows
Settings using Control Panel.
Linux: Linux architecture, Features of Linux, Simple Commands in Linux

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